When preparing to sell your home, you want to make it as appealing as possible to the buyer. If you were buying a new home, what would you be looking for? And even more importantly, you want the buyer to be able to see themselves living in your home. Here are a few things to consider when preparing your home to sell:
First Impressions
Buyers begin to assess your home from the minute they step out of their car. Make the front of the house neat and fresh-looking. Painting the front door and decorating the front porch or patio are easy ways to start off on the right foot.
Curb appeal
Pay attention to the attractiveness of your outdoor space. Freshen up your yard by trimming bushes, edging the lawn, putting down fresh mulch and adding a few potted plants or flowers. Pressure washing the driveway and walkways are an easy way to brighten up the first things potential buyers will see when they come to check out your home.
No clutter!
Clutter can trash any interest a buyer may have had. Clutter prevents the buyer from seeing the home’s true potential and true space, making the home seem small, reducing its appeal. Remove as much as possible from the floors, bookshelves, countertops, closets and cabinets — don’t forget that buyers will be opening cabinets and closets to check storage space. Renting a storage unit in order to maximize space in your home may be a good option.
Neutral tones
Dramatic wine colored dining room walls and bright blue bathroom walls may be the colors that you love, but they may also be a turn off for potential buyers. Bold and bright paint colors draw more attention to your taste in paint colors and less attention to the size of the room or the beautiful hardwood floors. Instead, take the time to repaint those walls with neutral tones, such as different shades of tan or off-white.
Opinions differ on the level of personalization to keep when staging a home. Removing every single picture of your family is not necessary, however, crowded mantles, walls and bookshelves filled with pictures and trophies can be distracting. As with de-cluttering your home, try keeping the personal items to a minimum.
Make sure to dust, mop and wipe down all surfaces. The bathrooms and kitchen are the most important areas to keep clean. Remove any stains that may deter buyers, whether on your carpet or in your toilet. Be sure that the bathtub is also clean and organized — buyers won’t be afraid to pull back the shower curtain to take a look.
Make minor repairs
If you have been procrastinating about fixing that leaky faucet or broken door hinge, procrastinate no longer. Small repairs in the home can make a big difference to buyers.
Prepare yourself
Give yourself ample time to make repairs, changes and to clean your home. Selling your home can be a stressful time, and rushing to get your home ready will make it even more challenging. It’s also important to prepare yourself emotionally — just as your home soon will no longer be your home, it’s also on its way to become someone else’s home. Try not to take buyer criticisms personally.

Want to learn more about the selling process? If you’d like to learn more about how we help you set an asking price, please check out our blog post “The Art of the Asking Price”.
If you live in the Ocala and Marion County area and you’re considering selling your home, our team at Showcase Properties offers comprehensive services in helping you successfully through the process. Our real estate agents combine expertise — including successful experience in staging homes to sell — with a thorough knowledge of the market to get you the most value when selling your home.