Jessica Howington
• Family Nurse Practitioner
• Masters in Science in Nursing Emory University
• Emergency Room Clinical Excellence Award
• USDF and USEF member
• USDF bronze, silver and gold medalist
• Short Listed for the Olympics in Dressage
After graduating from Emory University Nursing School, she started her career as an RN/Emergency Room Nurse in 2005 and then Head Charge Nurse. She continued her education and earned her Master’s Degree, becoming a Nurse Practitioner in 2011, choosing to focus in hospice and palliative care. The work was challenging, particularly the first year of the Covid pandemic, which she describes as emotionally taxing.
“I wasn’t 100% certain I wanted to go back to nursing,” she recalls. “I think I was ready to focus on another career. The only other thing I really wanted to do was real estate; it was just an obvious choice for me.”
“I think it’s like anything else; if you leave a good impression with people, it sticks.” She observes. “I had a good relationship with Showcase already, so they were the first firm I thought of wanting to join. Every agent from there is awesome, and they’ve been incredibly supportive.”
“But I’m also open to anything right now,” she adds. “You never know what will come around the corner and surprise you!”