Read several articles on real estate and you’ll certainly get the sense that the ultimate buying and selling season is spring. And there are some very valid reasons for this point of view.
Real estate activity heats up in the spring (and here in Florida that pickup can occur as early as January) due to the flow of the year for most people. They have closed the past year on their finances and have a good sense of where they stand on income, savings and taxes. The advent of the warmer weather puts people in the mood to start looking for homes or get their home ready to show. And for people with school-age children, they begin their home search in the spring in order to have their search, purchase and move completed in time for the start of the next school year, usually in August.
Here in Florida, we see an increase in visitors in March. People who are looking for a place to retire often come down to investigate possible retirement locations in March. And families take advantage of spring break to visit areas for a potential move.
So all of that is certainly true but there is a flip side to the coin. The increased activity means increased competition for both buyers and sellers. For buyers, they may often find multiple homebuyers interested in their home of choice, creating a possibility of being outbid. For sellers, they have to compete for visibility with a possibly larger number of homes on the market, leaving homebuyers with a variety of choices and their attention divided.
The best strategy, then, may be to sell or buy your home when it makes the most sense for you and your life choices. If you’re entering a life transition, want to downsize or upgrade, move to a new area or make a strategic financial decision, those can all be great reasons to start to take the next step. The key is to think it through, plan and prepare, and when you’re ready to buy or sell a home, seek the help of a licensed real estate professional.
Are you interested in buying a home? We can help. Contact Showcase Properties of Central Florida today to speak with an agent that can get your real estate journey off to the right start.
If you would like to learn more about buying or selling home check out these related blog posts:
First-Time Home Buyers Save a Ton! Buying vs Renting and How to Buy a Home While Selling Your Home.