Jun 15, 2015 | All, Properties, Sell, Showcase Properties of Central Florida
Showcase Properties of Central Florida proves once again that Teamwork WORKS! Several new homeowners will soon be moving into their new home or farm in the Ocala area. We would like to thank all of the buyers’ agents, who worked to help wonderful people find their new...
Jun 5, 2015 | All, Buy, Sell
This is an exciting time in real estate. Low mortgage rates have more people looking to buy a home. Sellers are also seeing their homes sell faster with less time on the market. If you’re looking to sell your home with an eye on buying another home, you are most...
May 20, 2015 | All, Buy, Sell, Showcase Properties of Central Florida
At Showcase Properties of Central Florida, we pride ourselves in being a full service real estate agency serving the City of Ocala along with Alachua, Levy, Citrus and surrounding counties. Our agents have a thorough knowledge of the local market and expertise in all...
Apr 3, 2015 | All, Buy, Sell
Read several articles on real estate and you’ll certainly get the sense that the ultimate buying and selling season is spring. And there are some very valid reasons for this point of view. Real estate activity heats up in the spring (and here in Florida that pickup...
Jan 1, 2015 | All, Market Trends, Sell
If you’ve been thinking about putting your home on the market in the coming year, we have some important tips to share before you take that big step. The prospect of moving by itself can be stressful, and when you add all that goes into selling your home, everything...