May 9, 2016 | All, Buy, Equestrian, Properties, Sell
Check out our farm listings in the Ocala Marion County area. If your looking to buy a horse farm in Ocala, we sell it all. We offer an array of properties from 5-acre mini ranches to turn-key training facilities. For more details on these properties, peruse our...
Sep 14, 2015 | All, Equestrian, Properties
Ocala, Florida is widely known as the “Horse Capital of the World” because of its rich tradition of Thoroughbred horse breeding, raising and training. The Marion County area’s rolling hills, large pastures and majestic grand oak trees provide the perfect ingredients...
Jun 15, 2015 | All, Properties, Sell, Showcase Properties of Central Florida
Showcase Properties of Central Florida proves once again that Teamwork WORKS! Several new homeowners will soon be moving into their new home or farm in the Ocala area. We would like to thank all of the buyers’ agents, who worked to help wonderful people find their new...
Apr 20, 2015 | All, Buy, Properties
Last month, The Marion County Building Industry Association held the 2015 Spring Parade of Homes. The Spring and Fall Parades allow local builders to display their top home designs and floor plans as model homes to the community, potential new homebuyers and those who...