Mar 2, 2023 | Discover Gainesville, Discover Ocala, Local Resources, The Showcase 5 x 5
“Café Society” was invented in the cobblestoned streets of New York, London and Paris back in the 19th Century. This was then considered the hip, up-and-coming, and oh-so-fashionable young crowd who gathered in restaurants, sidewalk cafés and tea shops to talk about...
Nov 30, 2022 | Discover Gainesville, Local Resources
Without fail, it happens almost every holiday season: November rolls around and the pressure to find the right gift for the right person chases us like the big round stone barreling after Indiana Jones. Sometimes it’s one or two people in our lives that we just have...
May 20, 2022 | All, Discover Ocala, Ecological, Local Resources
Our region is blessed by close proximity to Ocala National Forest only three miles east of the city of Ocala. It is the largest National Forest in Florida and the oldest one east of the Mississippi River. With the standard combination of oaks, laurels, scrub pines,...
Feb 14, 2022 | All, Community Spotlight, Local Resources
Everyone, and we mean everyone felt the pinch of initial lockdown back in the early days of Covid. There were a lot of things that changed instantly about the way we work and live, and it had almost everyone worldwide scrambling to figure out how to earn livings, pay...
Oct 22, 2021 | All, Discover Gainesville, Local Resources, Showcase Properties of Central Florida, Technology
Gainesville just made a big move in early October 2021! As of October 6th, the Gainesville-Alachua County Association of REALTORS® (GACAR) has officially joined the Stellar MLS system. For those in the industry, this may not come as much of a surprise. On the other...
Sep 30, 2021 | Discover Ocala, Local Resources
Florida’s housing market is one of the strongest in the country and despite the challenges of 2020, the state continues to see an estimated 85 people per day moving in from other locations in the US. That’s not to mention the Florida locals who are searching for their...