Apr 20, 2015 | All, Buy, Properties
Last month, The Marion County Building Industry Association held the 2015 Spring Parade of Homes. The Spring and Fall Parades allow local builders to display their top home designs and floor plans as model homes to the community, potential new homebuyers and those who...
Apr 3, 2015 | All, Buy, Sell
Read several articles on real estate and you’ll certainly get the sense that the ultimate buying and selling season is spring. And there are some very valid reasons for this point of view. Real estate activity heats up in the spring (and here in Florida that pickup...
Mar 6, 2015 | All, Buy, Market Trends
Recently, three key mortgage financing entities – Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) – announced new mortgage programs with lower down-payment requirements. The goal of all three agencies is to make homeownership possible for more...
Feb 4, 2015 | All, Buy, Market Trends
According to RealtyTrac’s first quarter 2015 Residential Property Rental Report, Marion County was one of the top Florida markets for single-family residential real estate investment and twelfth overall in the nation. The study broke out potential top markets by...
Jan 24, 2015 | All, Buy, Market Trends, Properties
A recent report by Zillow compared the affordability of mortgage payments versus rental payments. It found that homes on the current market were 30% less expensive relative to income than homes sold during the market peak before the year of 2000. However, homes on the...
Dec 24, 2014 | All, Buy, Market Trends
Last week, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – government-backed agencies that finance a large portion of mortgages in America — detailed plans to back mortgages with down payments as low as 3%. The move is designed to make homeownership accessible for more people,...