Nov 6, 2019 | All, Buy, Sell, Showcase Properties of Central Florida
You need more space for a growing family. The kids have gone off to college and it’s time to downsize. You’re ready to follow your dream of living on a horse farm. Whatever the reason, you have to sell your current home while simultaneously finding a new place to...
Oct 29, 2019 | All, Buy, Sell, Showcase Properties of Central Florida
We at Showcase Properties of Central Florida LOVE our office space. Just around the corner from both OBS and the Airport, we’ve been very fortunate to have a professional space with such a great location. Unfortunately, in October 2019, our office experienced a...
Jul 30, 2019 | All, Buy, Ecological, Equestrian, Local Resources
With the availability of affordable land, mild winters, and proximity to populous areas, small farms in Central Florida are popping up everywhere you look, from vineyards to market gardens to rolling horse pastures. If you’ve been thinking of creating your own little...