Aug 6, 2020 | All, Buy, Discover Ocala, Equestrian, Events, Properties, Sell, Showcase Properties of Central Florida
Showcase Properties of Central Florida is proud to present the Latest Property Portfolio Ocala, Florida is home to a variety of lifestyles– from a bustling equestrian community to a diverse and eclectic arts scene and beyond, Showcase Properties of Central Florida is...
May 28, 2020 | All, Buy, Local Resources, Sell, State News
It’s natural to wonder how the coronavirus pandemic will affect the housing market, especially since many areas have only just recently recovered from the 2008 recession. In fact, a recent Gallup poll shows that only half of Americans think it’s a good time to buy a...
Mar 2, 2020 | All, Buy, Sell
When you first move into a new home, you might be in love with the place, excited for a new start, and overlooking any potential flaws or shortcomings. But over the years, as the honeymoon period wanes and you experience life changes, you might find that your home is...
Feb 10, 2020 | All, Buy, Sell
Maybe you’re browsing a real estate listings website, or looking at homes on the market in your neighborhood, and you see a property listed as either “contingent” or “pending.” Or maybe you’ve just accepted an offer on your home and your agent has just changed the...