Oct 3, 2020 | All, Equestrian
It’s time for the final leg of this year’s very different and unique Triple Crown, the 145th running of the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico in Baltimore. While there isn’t the possibility of a Triple Crown champion this year, there’s still plenty of excitement to tune in...
Sep 29, 2020 | All, Showcase Properties of Central Florida
Being a REALTOR® is highly rewarding, but like an occupation, it comes with its own risks and hazards. September is National REALTOR® Safety Month, and we at Showcase want to take this opportunity to shed light on the risks associated with working in real estate as...
Sep 15, 2020 | All, Discover Ocala, Ecological
Florida has an enormous agriculture industry that relies on many things—dedicated workers, favorable weather, and reliable transportation. However, one tiny but crucial upholder of of our agri-economy often gets overlooked: the honeybee. And as you may have heard,...
Sep 5, 2020 | All, Equestrian
This year the Kentucky Derby is the second jewel of the Triple Crown, and Belmont Stakes victor Tiz the Law will be running to defend his shot at becoming the 14th Triple Crown champion in history. While this year’s Derby will certainly be a little different, it’s...
Sep 1, 2020 | All, Showcase Properties of Central Florida, State News
Even when not actively working to get your listing bought or sold, your REALTOR® is hard at work ensuring that you benefit from their expertise. One of the ways they do this is through professional skill development, and in Florida one of the greatest opportunities...