Sep 19, 2015 | All, Buy, Sell, Showcase Properties of Central Florida
1. Confidence When looking to a hire an agent, come prepared with interview questions. Responses should be backed with proof and evidence rather than nerves and fast talking. Fast talking with nothing to back up claims is a sure sign the real estate agent doesn’t do...
Sep 14, 2015 | All, Equestrian, Properties
Ocala, Florida is widely known as the “Horse Capital of the World” because of its rich tradition of Thoroughbred horse breeding, raising and training. The Marion County area’s rolling hills, large pastures and majestic grand oak trees provide the perfect ingredients...
Jul 29, 2015 | All, Equestrian
The Ocala Farm Ministry, the people who take care of the people, who take care of the horses. As a division of the Race Track Compliancy of America, the Ocala Farm Ministry helps individuals by providing spiritual, emotional, physical, social and educational...
Jul 7, 2015 | All, Market Trends
As Bloomberg recently reported: “Florida is emerging as the new leader for economic growth.” This growth is fueled not only by the baby boomers, but also by our retirement communities in Ocala, Marion County and surrounding areas. Population by area ranks The...
Jul 1, 2015 | All, Discover Ocala, Events, Local Resources, Showcase Properties of Central Florida
We all love this time of year. Looking back at the previous years we all feel a little nostalgic for fireworks and Grandma’s pies. The fourth of July is truly a celebration of freedom. Most people celebrate with family or loved ones over delicious meals. Others go out...