New Law Alert: Laws Now In Effect Impact Real Estate Industry

New Law Alert: Laws Now In Effect Impact Real Estate Industry

At the beginning of July, several new Florida state laws created by recent bills went into effect. They touch upon a wide range of issues, but three in particular concern the real estate industry in Florida, dealing with water protection, sinkhole insurance, and...

The Essential Seller’s Guide To Comparative Market Analysis

One of the most difficult aspects of selling your home is the starting point of home value: what is your home worth? How does it stack up to other homes on the market? Don’t worry — you don’t have to comb through random home listings on the Internet...
The Tao of You: Feng Shui and Interior Decorating

The Tao of You: Feng Shui and Interior Decorating

Ever felt that something in your home just doesn’t “feel right”? Felt that something about a room or area was just a little off center? You need some help from the ancient art of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a system and method of understanding how humans...
4 Tips For Getting The Home You Want In a Seller’s Market

4 Tips For Getting The Home You Want In a Seller’s Market

If you’re looking to buy a home in a seller’s or “hot” market, you’ve got to be en pointe and ready for anything. The real estate market in any given area can fluctuate back and forth from favoring buyers to favoring sellers and back again, and it’s difficult to...
July Newsletter | #LuxuryRealEstate

July Newsletter | #LuxuryRealEstate

Monthly Real Estate News & Local Updates Visit Our Website Welcome our newest Realtor, Chris Workman! Chris is a real estate agent who is passionate about helping home-buyers find the perfect property. With his extensive background in both sales and horse...