Apr 18, 2017 | All, Equestrian, Local Resources
By Jochen Schleese, CMS, CSFT, CSE©2017 Saddlefit 4 Life® All Rights Reserved Many of us are familiar with the term “short-backed” to describe a horse, but few of us are aware that even a horse with a back that appears to be of normal length may actually have a very...
Apr 14, 2017 | All, Equestrian
Florida’s thoroughbred industry is huge, but horse racing isn’t the only game in town (or the state). Florida is also home to the thrilling equine sport of polo, and hosts some of the most prestigious polo venues and tournaments in the world....
Apr 10, 2017 | All, Taxes
A little late on filing your taxes? That’s okay; life happens! But before you rush off to make the deadline, take a look at these awesome tax deductions you as a homeowner could qualify for. Property Taxes and Second Homes All property taxes are...
Apr 6, 2017 | Alerts, All, D.I.Y., Local Resources
Every year 2 million home burglaries are reported in the U.S, but with a few extra security measures implemented by homeowners, this number can be reduced. Knowing what you can to do to prevent break-ins will protect not only your personal belongings, but more...
Mar 29, 2017 | Alerts, All, State News
There is a serious developing issue in the insurance industry that Florida’s homeowners need to be aware of: assignment of benefits abuse. It’s a problem that started in South Florida and has rapidly spread over the state, and it can have dire consequences for...