Aug 3, 2017 | All, Local Resources, Market Trends
Right now, real estate inventory is low in Marion County, meaning properties are in-demand and the seller’s market is strong. Here are the six lowest-inventory zip codes in the Ocala area where sellers can thrive in the current market. 34481: Western Marion...
Aug 1, 2017 | All, Equestrian, State News
If you train, ride, board, or are otherwise active in the equine industry, The American Horse Council needs your help! The Council is taking a survey of the country’s horse owners and equine industry workers in order to promote the benefits of the national...
Jul 27, 2017 | Newsletter Archive
Showcase Properties is ready to take on a new year with a new look! We’re starting off 2017 with a fresh face and renewed dedication to helping our clients buy and sell with confidence. Our agents are passionate about empowering you to make gorgeous Florida horse...
Jul 26, 2017 | All, Discover Ocala, Events, Local Resources
One of the first things you see upon visting Katya Vineyards’ website is a quote from Euripedes’ play Bacchae: “Where there is no wine, there is no love.” The Sokol family is bringing plenty of both to Ocala with the July 27th opening of Katya...
Jul 17, 2017 | All, Technology
During both its runs during the 60s and 80s, popular cartoon The Jetsons entertained kids with its fanciful and often zany version of a technologically advanced future. While we don’t have flying cars (yet), much of the advanced tech used in the Jetson family is...