Sep 18, 2017 | All, Equestrian, Local Resources
The effects of Hurricane Irma have been felt far and wide throughout Florida and beyond, but those of us in Marion County who have horses and livestock to care for have been particularly impacted. Resources are stretched thin, and our animals need feed, water, and...
Sep 16, 2017 | Newsletter Archive
This month’s newsletter is full of tips and tricks to make your home selling experience as easy as possible. You’ll also be able to find out what your zip code reveals about your property. Lastly, we’ve added some insightful information on what steps to...
Sep 8, 2017 | All, Buy, Market Trends
Since the housing crash, the national real estate market learned a lot of lessons and has acquired an overall more cautious atmosphere. An intriguing new trend of wariness is cropping up among mortgage appraisers, influenced by the ghost of the last housing boom and...
Sep 7, 2017 | All, Buy, Discover Ocala, International Series, Sell
Whether you’re an international investor, an equestrian athlete, a member of the international thoroughbred community, or a snowbird looking for some sunshine, North Central Florida is the perfect relocation destination. The heart of horse country offers some of the...
Aug 29, 2017 | All, Discover Ocala, Neighborhood Spotlight
Ocala’s nickname of “horse country” describes more than simply its high concentration of equine industries. The title conjures up an idyllic landscape full of rolling green hills, mossy live oaks, and miles of verdant farmland stretching into the distance. But this...