Selling a Home
If you have been contemplating whether or not to sell your home, the odds are you are experiencing a wide range of emotions. When it’s time to move into a larger space or face the possibility of a major move, it’s normal to feel slightly reluctant to leave your adored home behind. On the other hand, maybe you are enthusiastic to begin a new chapter with a change of scenery. The great news is that we are here to help you with any of your selling needs. Just contact us today to get started on the forest steps of your real estate journey.
Setting the Listing Price
When you set the listing price for your home, you should be aware of a buyer’s mindset. When viewing a list of houses for sale in your neighborhood (which may be in the form of a printed list from a real estate brokerage, or even an online search that they did themselves), buyers will decide which houses they would like to view. You should consider the following pricing factors:
• If you set the price too high, your house won’t be chosen for viewing, even though it may be much more attractive than the others in the area. Even if you told your REALTOR® “Bring me any offer, even if it is less”, your house may look too expensive when included in a list with the other homes in the area.
• If the price is set too low, your home will sell quickly but probably could have sold for more with time to find the right buyer.
NOTE: Never say “asking” price, which implies you don’t expect to get it.
Contact us today and we can help you determine the proper list price and prove you with these professional services:
• Furnishing comparable sales.
• Analyzing market conditions.
• Helping to determine offering incentives.
• Estimating your net proceeds.
Using Comparable Sales
Differing from a formal appraisal which is only based on past sales and done for a fee, the CMA is provided by us and may include currently listed and pending properties as well. For most homes, the CMA is probably enough to help you set a proper price. A formal written appraisal, which may cost several hundred dollars, may be helpful if you have a unique property or if there have not been many sales in your area recently, if co-owners disagree about listing price, or any other circumstance that makes it tough to put a value on your home.
Her business background includes extensive experience with active adult communities and their various deed restrictions, an understanding of the probate process, and experience in the legal field. Her wealth of knowledge makes Linda an asset to her customers.